Jefferson Elementary School
Program Manager
Pedro Guitron
14300 Bancroft Ave.
San Leandro, CA 94578
Contact Us
TK to 5th Grade
Program Manager: Pedro Guitron
My name is Pedro Guitron and I have been with the organization almost five years. As a kid I attended Jefferson Elementary and have worked at Jefferson for all of my time with the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Leandro. I am very motivated and inspired by the work this organization does and I strive to continue making a positive impact on the youth. I am also a full-time college students and am working towards receiving my Bachelor’s degree in general management. Outside of work I love to go hiking, visiting National Parks, traveling to new places, watching movies, and playing sports recreationally with my friends and family. My family is the most important part of my life and they motivate me and inspire me each and every single day.
School Year Hours: School release through 6 p.m.
KinderClub Coordinator: Diana Morales;
San Leandro Area Director: Katina Smith, (510) 876-2394
Holiday Hours: When school is open, we’re open. We’re closed at this location on non-school days. We may offer off-site camps during school holidays. Click here for the 2024-2025 SLUSD academic calendar.
This site is hosted by Jefferson Elementary and is granted use over various classroom and multipurpose spaces throughout the year.
Program Name
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Program Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in imperdiet turpis. Donec ultrices placerat massa eget dictum. Nullam a mi at arcu pretium lobortis consectetur ac felis. Praesent volutpat turpis eu ex maximus tristique. Suspendisse potenti. Ut viverra metus sed tellus mollis laoreet. Sed vel mauris mi. Sed lobortis imperdiet neque, eget imperdiet erat egestas quis.
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Club Calendar
Club Wishlist
- Tissue
- Paper towels
- Disinfecting wipes
- Bottled water
- Snacks
- Pencils
- Markers
- Crayons
- Paint
- Color pencils
- Glue
- Copy paper
- Coloring books
- Puzzles
- Books
- Board games
- Legos
- STEM activities
Club Updates & News!
Madison Elementary Club Members Make Blankets to Help Families Facing Homelessness or Domestic Violence
Guest Information for our Sold-Out Crab Feed
Boys and Girls Clubs of San Leandro Receive $30,000 Panda Cares Foundation Grant for Youth Education and Health
BGCSL Announce Cheryl Hurd as MC for Night of Exploration Fundraiser for Teen & Youth Programs
Commonly Asked Club Questions
We have recently moved from a paper-driven enrollment process to a user-friendly online platform that will allow parents and caregivers to complete an application online at our website, Once you complete your Club membership application online, login personal credentials will be created so you can access your parent portal 24/7. If you do not have access to join via computer at home, you can also complete your application at our Clubhouse located at 2200 San Leandro Blvd. San Leandro.
There are no current fees related to becoming a BGCSL member.
Once you become a member, you will log in to your parent portal and choose an upcoming program you would like to register your child for and make payments, if applicable.
For issues or support with our online registration process, please get in touch with your site’s Program Director, use the chat box on our website, or email us at
Current Boys & Girls Club Members New families should visit our website to become members and access the new club member registration portal.
Expanded Learning programming will be provided to current and new club members at no cost.
Our online registration system generates a waitlist when a program is full. If there is no availability within the program, the registration system will keep you updated via notifying families of their waitlist status and next steps.
The school-site Program Director will contact parents once a space becomes available. Our goal is to provide access to as many youths as possible within our safety guidelines and staff-to-student ratios. Registration priority will be given to foster youths, unhoused students, and students facing special circumstances.
Yes, snacks are provided every day. If your child has allergic reactions to certain foods, we ask that you please notify the staff of those allergies by indicating them on the membership application in the registration process online/paper. If your child(ren) needs more snacks than the program provides, please provide your child(ren) with additional healthy (no candy or soda) snacks. Every program welcomes donations of healthy snacks.
Yes, your child is welcome to call you on our site phone when it is available and not disruptive to our program schedule.
Please refer to our Expanded Learning Parent Handbook for information on sign-in/out policies.
Transportation is not provided. All programs run on the school sites.
Safety is our number one priority. Therefore, the BGCSL staff takes the safety of every child very seriously. Please review our safety policies in our expanded learning parent handbook. If you have any additional questions about our safety policies, please contact your site Program Director or visit our website www/
Students receiving special services are welcome to register for all programs. Please let us know how to best support your student to succeed in the programs via email, text, online program registration/form or schedule a meeting with a staff member.
Please contact your site’s Program Director to inform them about any special circumstances or needs requiring additional support.
Staff will immediately attempt to reach a sick or injured child’s primary contact. If a primary contact cannot be reached and depending on the severity of the illness or injury, Club staff may call 911.
Parents can designate any number of adults authorized to sign their child(ren) out of the Club. Please bear in mind that by placing an adult on your list of authorized pickups you are indicating that it is acceptable to release your child to this individual without phone verification. Parents may always review their list of authorized pickups by contacting the site’s Unit or Program Director.
If a child is to be picked up by someone, not on your child’s authorized pick-up list, parents are required to notify the program directors by phone, text, or email during club hours on the day in question. Guest pickups will be required to provide a valid form of Picture Identification before release.
Late pickups happen. The club retains the right to charge repeated instances at the rate of $ 2 per minute per child left on site after official closing hours. If you are running late, PLEASE call the site to notify us in advance.
Program Staff will not dispense any medication to children; however, if your child has a condition that requires medication during the program, please contact the Program Director to discuss the specific circumstances to best determine how your child’s medication needs may be met. Expanded learning program staff MUST be notified and alerted to any medical condition upon enrollment.
Yes. Our K-5, middle school, and high school programs are run separately. Students are also separated by grade within the program. There is occasional overlap at times, however, students are generally placed in groups with peers close to their age.
Yes, our programs offer regular homework assistance as part of the Expanded learning program schedule.
We will try our best to accommodate current and former members. However, members will not be automatically placed in our middle school programs. BGCSL works with our school-site principals and district liaisons to prioritize families and waitlisted students.
Each Boys & Girls site program will provide a mandatory parent/caregiver orientation. During orientation, parents will have an opportunity to meet our staff, tour the BGCSL classroom spaces, and learn about our programs, events, activities, and expectations.
Special accommodation will be provided to students who transfer from one BGCSL program site to another.
Academic Success programming provides Club members with the knowledge and skills they need to graduate from high school on time, equipped with the technical skills, tools, and resources to pursue their interests and prepare them for college, trade school, and employment.
Health & Wellness Programming encourages Club members to adopt healthy eating habits, practice good decision-making, develop healthy relationships, and make a lifelong commitment to physical fitness.
Character & Citizenship Programming focuses on cultivating good character and leadership skills and offers Club members the opportunity to give back to their community through service projects.
Athletic Programming develops valuable life skills while making new friends and gaining confidence in their ability to meet challenges. At all skill levels, our youth athletics programs foster teamwork, participation, fairness, and positive social skills in a fun, safe, and supportive atmosphere.
Arts Programming allows all youth to access imagination and creativity to express themselves and build connections with others in their community. The Arts programs, experiences, and initiatives include visual, digital, performing, and applied arts.
Water donations and healthy snacks for our expanded learning programs are always welcome. If you wish to make a cash donation, please visit our website and click on the DONATE button or mail a check payable to:
San Leandro Boys & Girls Clubs 2200 San Leandro Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577
Boys & Girls Clubs programming starts at the conclusion of school and ends at 6:00 p.m. Program start time will always align with the early release/TK-Kinder schedule per school site.
If you have a concern about one of our staff or our program, you are encouraged first to discuss the situation with the site’s Program Director. You may also follow up with the Boys and Girls Directors of Expanded Learning Programs: Consuelo Zuluaga (SLUSD) consuelo@bgcsl.or or Edgar Torrico (SLZUSD)
Please email us at or use the chat box on our