July 19, 2022
We are excited to be able to serve our youngest students during our 2022-2023 school year. Schools are preparing to add Transitional Kindergarten (TK) programs at all elementary school sites that the BGCSL also serves. The BGCSL is working with the school districts to accommodate this change and intend to eventually open combined TK+KinderClub classes at all our Elementary Clubs in San Leandro and San Lorenzo during the 2022-2023 school year.
To best serve incoming TK and Kindergarten students, the TK+KinderClub Program will remain separate from the 1st-8th grade programs. With quality and safety standards in mind, the rollout of BGCSL TK/KinderClubs will be completed in phases. The opening of these programs is dependent upon school district needs, obtaining access to required facilities, and hiring specialized staff. (Click here to see job opportunities for you or someone you may know! Compensation is competitive along with benefits and work that is impactful.)
We are now accepting applications for families to join all TK+KinderClub Program WAITLISTS regardless of the status of program opening dates. This will help us work with the district in determining which sites we can open. You can apply by visiting our Afterschool Program Page on our website. The first phase of the TK+KinderClub rollout at the start of the 2022-2023 school year includes:
- Washington Elementary
- McKinley Elementary
- Halkin Elementary
- Hesperian Elementary
- Colonial Acres Elementary
- Hillside Elementary
- Lorenzo Manor Elementary
*TK/K program openings are contingent upon district needs and staffing and may change.
Students who are on the waitlist will be prioritized by the San Leandro Unified School District. Parents will be contacted by the school-site Program Director once a space becomes available. The goal is to provide access to as many youths as possible following BGCSL safety and operational standards.
Registration for our Expanded Learning Afterschool Program is open for 1-8th grade students until capacity is reached.